Raised in Christ
Alive in Christ (Ephesians 2:1-10) Questions for further study
The bible consistently links our wrongdoing with our rebellion against God. Read Romans 1:18-32[1]
- What is mankind’s attitude to God?
- What behaviour results from the attitude?
- What excuses for our behaviour are demolished in these verses (see v20 and 32)?
Read the verdict of Scripture on human nature in Romans 3: 10-12[2]
When was the last time you reflected on the hell that you were once destined for?
- Is this how you see the non – Christians around you?
- So what will you do for them?
If you are a Christian, the love, mercy and grace of God has already come to you. The question is: how can you live more fully in recognition of his grace? Think about the difference God’s grace to you will make in the following areas of your life:
- Your view of your sins:
- The way you treat others:
- Your part in the work God has given His people:
Understanding the depth of our own personal sin and remembering daily how God has shown us rich mercy will lead us to confession, repentance, faith in Christ, gratitude to God, dependence on the Spirit and sacrificial commitment to our Saviour and Lord. What can you do to make sure that every day you remember and act on these truths?
[1] Mankind supresses the truth about God (v18), even though everyone clearly understands His eternal power and divine nature (v20). We neither glorify Him nor give thanks to Him (v21). Instead of worshipping God, we worship created things (v23, 25). This results in darkened and foolish thinking (v21-22), idolatry (v23, 25), impure and unnatural sexual relations (v24, 26-27), and natural behaviour, affecting our relationships, actions, words, hearts, minds and integrity (v28-31). We cannot saying our defence that we didn’t know that this kind of behaviour matters to Him (v32). Paul is convinced that these truths are self-evident to everyone.
[2] Paul has gathered several Old Testaments quotations. Notice how “There is no one who does good” (v12) follows on from “No one seeks God” (v11), reflecting the causes and effects outlined in Romans 1:18-32.