A shopping trolley is not necessarily the first thing you would expect to see when you walk through the doors of Moneydig Presbyterian Church. Yet there it is sitting proudly between the stairs to the balcony and the door into the main sanctuary. So why is it there?
In 2016 our campaigners started working towards their charity badge. As part of this they decided to find out more about the work of the local foodbank based at Coleraine. Our older campaigners spent an evening helping to prepare food parcels to be given out the next day. This experience challenged them of the need to do something to help, and so they asked for a trolley to be placed in the church so that food could be donated and used to help those who need it.
Trussell Trust
People who need help from a foodbank must be referred, typically by a health professional or through a school or education authority. Someone who has been referred will receive a voucher which entitles them to enough food for three days nutritionally balanced meals.
Further information can be found On the Trussell Trust website https://www.trusselltrust.org/ , the organisation managing many foodbanks across the UK, including the one we support in Ballymoney.
Foodbanks depend on donations from the public given at collection centres such as the one in Moneydig Presbyterian Church. Donated food should be non-perishable to prevent wastage. Cans of soup and fruit, dried cereals, long-life milk and biscuits can all be given.

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