Hope among the bones

This morning’s passage is Ezekiel 36-37 One of the questions Christian’s face on a regular basis is ‘How can you prove there is God?’ It is also one of the most difficult questions to answer. The truth is that often people are looking for quantifiable answers. They...

Set free in Christ

Today’s passage is Ezekiel 17, 18 & 19 I wonder do we ever stop to think why there’s so much division in the world over differences none of us have had any control over. Nations look down on nations when none of us had any say where we were born. Protestant is set...

Life without God

This morning’s passage is Ezekiel 15 & 16 Ezekiel 15 and 16 paints a picture of what life without God would be like. In Chapter 15 Ezekiel describes Jerusalem and Judah as the vines that grow in the forest. The vine is already a useless piece of wood. It is not...