The summer will soon be upon us, our young people will be relieved because this will mark the end of the exams. Parents will be wondering what on earth to do with children for 8 long weeks. There will be excitement for those going off on holiday, while the rest of us will be looking anxiously to the skies wondering if this good weather will hold.

The good news is there will be plenty to do in Moneydig Presbyterian Church in the coming weeks. First up on Sunday 10th June at 12 noon is our annual children’s day service. This is when our Sunday School take over the service as the children lead us in worship in their own inimitable style. This is always a good time to invite families to come out to church and celebrate all the children have learnt over the last year, of course the promise of tea and coffee in the hall afterwards is an added attraction.

Then on the 23rd June we have our Sunday School outing and congregational BBQ. The title of the outing is a bit misleading, because it is for many more than just those who belong to the Sunday School, or who are Sunday School age. This outing is for the whole of the church family, so regardless as to whether you are in Sunday School, or just enjoy a good day out why not come along. This year we are going to Watertop Farm just outside Ballycastle, please pray for more sunshine. This is also another good opportunity to invite family and friends to come along and join with us, who knows they may enjoy themselves so much that they decide to come and be part of our church family.

Every year after the outing we come along to the manse at 72 Mullaghinch Road, for a BBQ. Alan McAleese is the chief chef, well supported by Gerald Stewart. The more we have the better so please do come along.

Also, in June we hope to organise a litter pick in the local neighbourhood, so please watch this space for more details.

As usual we will have our annual holiday bible club in the third week in August. Judith and Denise Torrens are already getting materials, crafts and bible stories ready for the children we hope will come along. Over the last 4 years we have had an average of 50 – 60 children coming, so please make sure you have the third week in August clear in your diary, trust us your Children will thank you for sending them.

This summer will be very different in Moneydig because our Minister, Stuart and his family will be taking part in a summer pulpit exchange with the Rev Tim Bruneau and his family from Canada. Stuart, Julia, Robin and Jacob will be leaving on the 3rd July for two months in St Giles Kingsway Presbyterian Church in Toronto, while Tim and his family come to live in the manse and minister here in Moneydig.

We will of course be organising our usual summer walks and BBQ’s to give as many people as possible the chance to meet and chat with Tim and his family, so please do come out over the summer and support them. More information about St Giles Kingsway can be found on their Facebook page and their website

So, as you can see there will be plenty of opportunity for us to meet as a church family over the summer months so please do take as many of these opportunities as possible to strengthen old friendships and to make new lasting ones.