Jesus washes the disciples’ feet (John 13: 1-17)

Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.

John 13:1

This is quite the statement especially when we know what the apostle John means by the loving to the end. Tomorrow is Good Friday when our minds will turn to the cross. Jesus, having loved his own who were in the world loved them to the end.

The first question we need to think about is who Jesus’ own in the world were? On one hand it is the disciples. It was them he was with and as we read through this passage it was their feet he washed. Yet Jesus love is not limited to the disciples. Later that evening after he had washed the disciples’ feet Jesus prayed not just for them, but all believers who would believe through their message. (John 17:20)

When the apostle John said Jesus, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end he wasn’t just talking about the disciples but looking forward into history he was talking about you and me, all who will believe. We are loved until the end.

How was Jesus able to love to the end?

Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God.

John 13:3

Jesus was comfortable in his own skin. He knew who he was but more importantly he knew what God thought of him, he had total confidence in his relationship with God. This is significant because it is why Jesus was able to wash the disciples’ feet. If Jesus had any doubts about who he was, if he had any doubt about God’s love for him, if he had any doubt about God’s calling on his life would he have been secure enough to preform such a menial task?

Yesterday we talked about how the road to Calvary was a road of extravagant love. Read yesterday’s reflection here. This is another example of that extravagant love. Jesus was so sure of the father’s love that he stripped to the waist, wrapped a towel around himself and took on the role of the lowliest servant.

What stops us from showing this same extravagant love? Is it our insecurity, are we worried that someone would think less of us, we are above washing feet? Understanding the love lined road to Calvary fills us with security to love as Jesus loved, to obey the command he gave in that upper room. ‘Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.’ (John 13:14)

Has the time come for us to take up the basin and the towel – to know the abundant love of the Father as we take the position of a servant and follow in the footsteps of a saviour?

Prayer Lord Jesus, we thank you for the complete confidence you had in God the Father. Thank you for the way you were comfortable in your own skin, because you were confident in God. Today we ask that you reveal to us that same love of the Father. That we too would be filled with the confidence of his love in order that we would wash feet. That we would love as you love. Amen

Other reflections from Moneydig Presbyterian Church