United in Christ
Click on this link for downloadable questions for further study. Alternatively use the notes below. Ephesians 2: 11-22 For further study questions
United in Christ (5) God’s people; God’s plan
Further Study
- What importance is given to peace in the message of Jesus Christ? Look at the following New Testament passages. What do we learn here about the peace of the gospel?
- What was Jesus’ purpose in creating peace (v15-16)? [4]
- What three pictures illustrate Christ’s community and our part in it?
- V19[5]
- V19
- V22[6]
- What do we learn about the foundation of Christ’s new community in verses 20-22?[7]
- What difference does this passage make to your understanding of the Christian Church?[8]
- In what practical ways will this teaching affect how you live, both individually and as a church? [9]
[1] When Jesus was born, the angels proclaimed a message of God’s favour and peace coming to men.
[2] Later, when Jesus triumphantly entered Jerusalem on a donkey (itself a sign of peace: see Zechariah 9: 9-10), the Jewish leaders refused to recognise that the means of peace – their long-awaited Messiah – had come to them (see 37-39)
[3] But for his disciples, those who heard the message and believed, Jesus had words that reassured them of his peace. Notice however, that this would not be peace instead of troubles, but peace in troubles.
[4] Jesus purpose was to create one new kind of man out of the two separate and hostile groups represented by the Jews and the Gentiles. This kind of inter-racial unity is not something that human ideas or institutions can produce – it is God’s workmanship (2:10)
[5] Members of God’s household: It’s not just that we’ve made it inside the borders of a new kingdom, but by God’s grace we have been brought into the King’s household – and not as servants but as family members and heirs.
[6] God’s dwelling: We are the house or dwelling of God. All God’s people of all time through faith in Jesus Christ have become the temple of God indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. (See revelation 21:3)
[7] We are “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets” – not on the men themselves, but on their message. Their teachings are foundational to the Christian church. That’s why every form of “Christianity” that attacks the teaching of the apostles’ crumbles and fails. And Christ Jesus himself is the chief cornerstone. The message preached by the New Testament apostles and the prophets could be summarised as “Christ Jesus” (see 1 Corinthians 1:23; 2:2; 2 Peter 1:16; 1 John 1:1-2)
[8] These verses show us that Christianity is far more corporate than we’re accustomed to thinking. It’s not all about a personal relationship with Christ. Yes, individuals must repent of their sins and place their trust in Christ for the salvation of their souls. But Christ saves people to make them into a new community – a kingdom, a household, a building – where people no longer relate to each other according to history, culture, race or tradition, but live out their unity in Christ.
[9] This passage promises far greater unity than we might imagine. It speaks directly to unity across racial and ethnic lines. This should make us zealous in our pursuit of multi-ethnic and class unity in the church. It tells us plainly that racism is completely incompatible with following Jesus. The gospel of Jesus Christ is far more powerful than we often think – it turns racists into those who love others regardless of their origin. It creates bonds where there were none and unity where there were only gulfs.