The new Home Group and Discipleship groups begin on Wedensday 5th February. So, what will be happening in the home groups. Very simply we hope that our home groups will be an opportunity to learn from one another and so to grow in our faith. To begin with we will be using material from PCI called Encounter. Watch the video below for a quick taster.

Encounter // Promo clip (w/ subtitles) from Presbyterian Church in Ireland on Vimeo.

Home groups will be split into three evenings. The first Wednesday of the month we will have a bible study using the encounter material. On the second Wedensday we will have a time of prayer and on the third Wedensday we will serve the church in some way, possibly through arranging to visit other members of the congregation or local nursing homes for example.

In order that we don’t lose that sense of togetherness and unity as one church the fourth Wednesday will be joint meeting in the church hall when we spend time together in bible study, prayer and praise. Why not come along and be part of something new as we grow together in our faith through our encouter with God.