What do you think when someone tells you that they are a Christian? For me, I used to think that they have their lives all sorted and that life itself was perfect, I also thought that I wasn’t ‘good enough’.
God came into my life less than 6 years ago and I can tell you now, my life is far from perfect. I still have the same struggles and concerns, I worry about my family, work isn’t always easy and yes, I am still a sinner.

Now, this is not meant to put anyone off coming to Christ, but more of a reassurance that no-one is perfect. Life didn’t dramatically change and I didn’t become a completely different person overnight. So what did change? My love for God. I have an overwhelming desire for bible study, getting to know God more and more and building on my relationship with Him. How amazing is it to know that through God’s grace and what Jesus did on the cross, my sins, past, present and future have been dealt with?

Being a Christian hasn’t been the easiest of journeys, I have many unanswered questions and have great difficulty taking part in prayer groups but it is a journey that I don’t ever regret taking and it’s one I would choose to travel on again and again.
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners
Romans 5:8 NLT